Is it necessary for fun?

Being homosapien we love to having fun and making fun, but is it necessary to do pranks that makes other feelings hurt. In childhood we did lots of pranks with our old ones and now when we gain a little bit of maturity we feel sorrow on them. We laugh on other's weaknesses and have you ever consider yourself at the place of him whom you making a target. The person may be have obesity, skin problems, blindness, dumbness, physically challenged, deafness or any kind of natural or unfortunate illness but that does not mean that we make fun of them as per their physical appearances. It may be gravel for your eyes to see other people not fit and fine. But its not humanity to make fun of them, to call the person with the problems they had like we all have witnessed the world calling a handicapped person as 'oh pity your life is over'or 'what a curse you got' and on other hand acting their postures to make others laugh. What a shame! A dog too cry when he see someone in pa...