Let's assume!

Assumption - a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof. So the Google definition says that it is without proof and there every maths proof can't be solved without any assumptions. I don't think that there is any day ever past when we didn't assume that what if that happen, what if I couldn't reach on time, what if I will not suppose to do that or what if...... .Surely lots of ' what if ' comes in your mind everyday and then it comes our most creative section ' Then ' . What will be then? Then this ,then that, then I got scold, then I may be get fired,then I will lost the battle or may be I will die then. So end of life. The end. Story over. Wohoo, when we reach at dead point that is death may be only then we stop our flying thoughts specially negative ones.And then we resume our works and says " ok , let's live in present and we shall see that when it will happen". Can't we think that line be...