Questions we all have

Why is soo much uncertainty in this world? Why things can't be simple ,easy ,cool and just quick? Why it is not easy to memorise anything quickly? why it is hard to understand some basic principles of life? Why we just can't live as we want? Why we have to follow the rules of our so called societies and if we try something better then those voices is just grounded because you can't say that loudly because it will bring " change ". And even if we give our best then there is no guarantee that we will be winner. I wonder what are thought processes of legends,how they think? It's quite easy to say some motivational punchlines but are those lines always true to apply in our life? I have philosophical mindset I will give you every motivation all you would need but will it leads you to the path for the dreams you want to achieve? I don't know what's happening to all those thoughts that I am thinking daily ,beginning from 'i wish....'a...