Stages of exam

Stage 1: Information gathering Name did its description. We get to know about exams, collecting the study materials, trying to know what's coming in the exam and convincing ourselves that let's get prepared and to fasten the seat belt. Stage 2: The preparation Normal people try to avoid " hard-work " initially and when no other option left except to do study then the preparation begins. Although, it can't be done in one shot so studying sip by sip in several positions, places, ways and sources just to understand lots of concepts, basics of tons of topics and in end just to become a knowledgeable person. It took lots of efforts and strength to stay focused and have consistent concentration in this age of social media distraction. Stage 3: The D-day Exam day is like ' Carpe Diem '. Day begins or actually night get over after whole night study. Sun looks brighter that day because we are earlier than him and spend whole night of dark and then ...