What's Next??

"Failure is never remembered and glories are always counted." But what about Elon Musk? Sometimes, he is ideal person in field of successful failures. He failed numerous times in launching of his rockets which obviously include lots of money as well as risk of people lives if it get blast somewhere else. But we surely hope that he will sent us to moon one day safely. What about Steve Jobs? He was thrown out from the company he created.But of course he is not rememberered for that tragedy. We all know about his glories more than failures. Ask Voldemort who get failed in killing the Harry Potter and in end he payed to that failure by his death.( Sorry as "his name can't be taken"). What about you? How much times you had failed and later your achievements had shouted out loud? There are millions of students who prepare everyday for some exams that can change their lives. But how many toppers we get from those millions? There will be only top 50 students w...