
Why everything is good when we were a kid? Maybe we were so small to forget everything; those every fight, every fear, every problem or every scold we got we forget within in seconds. The pain gets healed within minutes. Laugh goes on with friends & those playtimes never get over. We got school work to do but eventually fun is always on our mind and that creativity never ended due to chart sheets, crayons, sketches, glues and lots of glitters. We used to paint our brightest futures with happiness, love, heart, and soul and never care about the hard work that it might require. Life was super smooth and slow because in every class we learned new things and that new skill makes us wonder about too many more new things as that we were not having this common sense by then to understand everything on our own. We were curious, creative and scientists. So, from that cutie-pies when we become this mature and sensible human being? Does Adolescence is the answer to the bridg...