Everyday celebration idea

First of all,  I am sorry for your wait for the next post and I hope  this post will  worth your wait.

 Celebration- what does it mean?
Partying hard,eating tasty food,dancing,singing,wearing new clothes,or having fun and  what's in fun? making jokes on something and laughing hard or playing a game in which you won with close difference or meeting new people, reminding old memories when seating with friends or family, does travelling comes in celebration? Maybe.
Now what you do daily?

You wakeup under a beautiful shelter at a peaceful room in a world's best home(home is always best no matter how it is). Then you do all your works from god gifted hands,legs and whole body. You have all necessary things to complete your work successfully.You wore clean and tidy clothes.Then wherever you go, you meet new or old friends/families/colleagues or as in common 'people'. You eat 4–5 times a day- breakfast, lunch,dinner,tea time etc. So isn't its tasty or yummy. Surely once in a day you eat great food or each time too. Thus celebration.

Then it comes working ,maybe you are not passionate for what you are doing but yet you are doing. You have ability to do that and many people believe in you that you can do that so a point to celebrate for yourself and to be proud on yourself. Then playing, we all play games daily ,I am not talking about some subway surfers type games. I am talking about the games  like hide and seek from our life ,from ourself by hiding what we actually want or by seeking the things we want , and ya subway surfer type things in our life - like run and collect the money. We are chasing something if its not money then its our passion. But something and in the end we get those and thus won by defeating many others and it needs to be celebrate. Cheers.

 So last one partying hard  you too party hard daily when you listen songs and feel those lyrics and music ,reading your favourite book, dancing on the beats, doing your favourite hobby,watching your favourite serial ,learning new things, going to events, helping someone so doing all what you love can be called as celebration too.

So what else you need to celebrate. Its our daily schedule and see how much things to feel gratitude ,fall in love with yourself, with family,with environment, with nature, with the boundary less sky,stars and to learn ,live daily in a new way. The daily combinations to live with infinte possibilities.
I agree we hear lots of negative news and things that makes our mood off and our joy of celebration down  but what if we concentrate on only positive things. I  read somewhere about Mahrishi effect that if lots people think about positivity around them then the crime rate goes down.
So we only need to change our mentality for everything ,either our boring life or exciting trip because "only the passion for life makes everything alive." This quote is spoken by .....me;)


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