Why morning are special?

You are running on a green grass under the blue sky ,inhaling fresh oxygen and the sweet aroma in the air which is  coming from the colourful flowers around you. A big waterfall is at your leftside and the whole landscape is entirely covered by grass and flowers. Just like what people define as heaven, a place like this -

Or maybe you are standing on rooftop of any building, watching people asking for  your help because you are a superhero like batman. You are about to jump in their direction like this - 

Suddenly a song begins to play on your phone which initially sounds like some distortion then your ear got more active after a deep sleep and your brain read the song as - " Wake up, wake up! It's a brand new day. Wakeup,wakeup! Everything begins today. Wakeup!"

Good morning:)
A new day begins.
Birds come out from their nest and chirping beautifully. Sun is coming out after cutting sharp dark sky. Moon and stars are saying their final goodbyes and promising that they will come in evening.And a bright sunshine is telling you to get out of your bed and get ready for a beautiful ,brand new day.You might had a bad day yesterday but today the things are not the same .People around you might be the same today but you make sure to become a better today.

Mornings, are the new start  from getting over from past and begin to look at infinity.Time to start the things where you left them last night . Time to wish again ,either by going to ritual places and praying  in morning or just asking for a happy day. The moods are quite changeable  easily in the morning without any exchange  and lots of positive attitude can be generated by gratitude. Your whole body is rejuvenated with sleep and healed by dreams.
Sometimes, when you wakeup sooner than your usual time and did lots of work then it felt quite amazing that how much you have done today before the time you wokeup daily.

 That's why Mornings are special, because it assures a new day and new light everyday. It fills new energy in you and restart  you just like computers.So, enjoy every morning of your life because each day has its unique morning that depends on you how you will make it alive.

Tell me about your morning experiences in comments.
Thanks for reading:)


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