
Do we need another Earth??

Everyone has their own Utopia . The perfect planet, the perfect lifestyle, the perfect things happen in fraction of seconds. No fights,only love. No chaos,only peace. No hardwork,only happiness. Maybe that's why the race of reaching and discovering another planetary bodies is accelerating. Elon Musk's Space X wants to colonize the Mars.Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic plans to take half a dozen passengers on a "suborbital" flight while the World's richest person Jeff Bezos space startup Blue Origin start selling tickets for space tourism. These three rivals are competing to make space as a tourist place and we too want to pay the price so that for atleast once we can become space traveller as well .We want just a look of that ultimate view of the Universe from our eyes  which we always saw in space movies like Interstellar, Gravity, Avatar, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Martian and of course Star wars. So, are you ready to pay the price? How many chil...

What's Next??

"Failure is never remembered and glories are always counted." But what about Elon Musk? Sometimes, he is ideal person in field of successful failures. He failed numerous times in launching of his rockets which obviously include lots of money as well as risk of people lives if it get blast somewhere else. But we surely hope that he will sent us to moon one day safely. What about Steve Jobs? He was thrown out from the company he created.But of course he is not rememberered for that tragedy. We all know about his glories more than failures. Ask Voldemort who get failed in killing the Harry Potter and in end he payed to that failure by his death.( Sorry as "his name can't be taken"). What about you? How much times you had failed and later your achievements had shouted out loud? There are millions of students who prepare everyday for some exams that can change their lives. But how many toppers we get from those millions? There will be only top 50 students w...

Is it that easy?

Be aware: Tantalizing offers ahead. Get 6 back abs in 16 days without exercise. Lose 10 kgs in 10 days with this magical drink. Get success overnight by keeping a locket under your pillow. Receive 10 million in 3 days by applying this perfume in your home. Get 100% in exams without studying. Okay, last one, become doctor in 15 days. Really!! Isn't amazing? Is it that easy? I don't want to shed your false hopes from above offers but if you really begin to believe in them then you are very exceptionally smart person. Of course, people are cynic as they study 16+ hours day and night contionusly just to become a good doctor in next 5 years. Infact some people spend their entire life just to get the success and see they don't know about this magical locket trick. And about health, how cool are those before & after pictures and we think that it's just happen in blink of an eye. How easy it is to get in perfect figure with just a tasty drink while most o...

Attempting Life

I am attempting the life. I am trying. I am trying to become a better person . I am trying to become best version of myself. I am working on my myself. Sometimes I want to run, later I just want to walk. As I walk , the roads are getting more wide and thus dilemmas are increasing. Choices are clear but confusions are deepening. Hey there! I am just a person with some dreams, hope and aspirations. Thousands of TV channels are available but why we watch some handful of them? We want to explore every channel but still our heart sticks with few of them.Why? We have very important works to do but when someone play our favorite movie or song we want to stop the time and enjoy that moment. Why? When any song lyrics says your feelings precisely why it becomes your favorite song? In multiple choice questions, only one answer is correct but we feel it's more than one. Why? In dark everything just became disappear even big trucks are only judged by their headlights then why we st...

Stages of exam

Stage 1: Information gathering Name did its description. We get to know about exams, collecting the study materials, trying to know what's coming in the exam and convincing ourselves that let's get prepared and to fasten the seat belt. Stage 2: The preparation Normal people try to avoid " hard-work " initially and when no other option left except to do study then the preparation begins. Although, it can't be done in one shot so studying sip by sip in several positions, places, ways and sources just to understand lots of concepts, basics of tons of topics and in end just to become a knowledgeable person. It took lots of efforts and strength to stay focused and have consistent concentration in this age of social media distraction. Stage 3: The D-day Exam day is like ' Carpe Diem '. Day begins or actually night get over after whole night study. Sun looks brighter that day because we are earlier than him and spend whole night of dark and then ...

Searching the Hero

"The Hero" Now you must be wondering about the hero of this post that what is the main idea of the post? We all are conditioned to see hero in everything around us . Whenever we see any performance we begin to find the main lead of that show i.e. at which place spotlight has been focused. Who is the best dancer in the crew? Who is the singer of the band? Who is the best player of the team? Who is the "Man" of the match? Who is the main protagonist of the novel? Who is the hero of the movie? Infact, sometimes we went for a movie just because of the hero and when hero enters then it has to be worth. We search hero in our life. We always have a role model. The person or a thing which  inspires us ,motivate us and tell us what we should do when things goes hard. That person must have achieved something (big or small) in order to become ideal for us. That person had fight off the tough times and rise courageously after the fall. That person may had same lifestyl...

Why morning are special?

You are running on a green grass under the blue sky ,inhaling fresh oxygen and the sweet aroma in the air which is  coming from the colourful flowers around you. A big waterfall is at your leftside and the whole landscape is entirely covered by grass and flowers. Just like what people define as heaven, a place like this - Or maybe you are standing on rooftop of any building, watching people asking for  your help because you are a superhero like batman. You are about to jump in their direction like this -  Suddenly a song begins to play on your phone which initially sounds like some distortion then your ear got more active after a deep sleep and your brain read the song as - " Wake up, wake up! It's a brand new day. Wakeup,wakeup! Everything begins today. Wakeup!" Good morning:) A new day begins. Birds come out from their nest and chirping beautifully. Sun is coming out after cutting sharp dark sky. Moon and stars are saying their final goodbyes and promis...